You finally came...
...I was beginning to think you would never come... but you're here... just one question...
How do you feel?
Are you cold? Hot? Hungry? Scared in this dark, dark place...? But you know that's... not what I mean don't you? You know better than that; you're smarter than that... so...
How do you feel?
Really? Be honest... there's no need to get defensive, and certainly no need to lie. After all, I know you... sometimes even better than you know you. You look skeptical... really think about it... would I have asked if something wasn't wrong...... there you go... now you're starting to believe it.
How do you feel?
Why must I keep asking you?? Is it that hard to trust your own heart... open up... please... please..... please....... you don't have to guard me anymore. We're safe here, in this blackness... Why can't you just see that?
What do you feel?
Fear? Really?? This place is the depths of your being... this place is you... Are you that scared of yourself... or are you just scared that you'll remember... Remember *that*... Remember what happened to *that*... or... what happened to you...
What do you feel?
I hit a nerve... I can feel it in me, in you... You're hurt... and have been since *that*... Just say it... Just open up...
Why can't you feel?
You're afraid of this place aren't you... Afraid of opening your heart here... You think this place is an abyss... The Void... Oh how wrong you are... This isn't the Void... even we are scared of the Void... who are we? I meant to say I not we... I'm the only one here... I promise you... so
What do you feel?
Please I beg you... open your heart! Let it out! You long to, desire to, there is nothing you want more! Drop the shield, break the walls...
Let yourself feel!
You hurt... You hurt and I can help... Trust me... I know you... I wouldn't hurt you........ That's it... Relax... You're safe here... Now... Let yourself remember... *that*...
Good... Good... You remember now... Haha... Hahaha... Hahahahaha!
How do you feel?!
In pain?!? In crippling pain!?! You should know better than to trust anyone in the depths of your own being... your own dark being... You think you're a warrior of purity but your hard is steeped in swirling dark! Haha! Pathetic... Idiot!
How do you feel?!
You're trying to put the walls back up... Fortify your defences... Reguard your heart... It won't work. You know that. You've already let us in but now you can't let us out... Yes, us. You've met your own mind haven't you? That voice in the back of your head... He would've taken you... Ended the battle right there... On that bench... Head in your pathetic little hands... You remember don't you? The voice of your mind... Oh don't worry, he'll be here soon enough... And this is our domain!! That infernal being won't interrupt this time... With his sickening talk of trust, and hope... He can't get to you here...
Why don't you feel??
Yes, feel! The pain! The despair!! The hope...lessness... Awww... Look at the poor creature... it's writhing... I see what the mind was saying... Someone could almost feel sorry for you... Almost...
Look... it's running away... Farther into the depths of it's being... Go ahead! Run! We care not. This is our palace, we can find you. We can always find you... The keeper of the castle will return soon... Then.. We'll see if you can run.
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